Monthly Archives: January 2019

Better Late than Never? 2018 Awards Eligibility Post

The past year was a good one for publishing short fiction. Here’s my list of publications, along with links.

The Chora Gate,” (approx. 4600 words) published in Mysterion (December 24, 2018)

Occultation of the Bright Aspects,” (approx. 10,200 words) published in Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show 66 (December 2018)

“Thistledown Sky,” (approx. 1900 words) published in Shimmer 46 (November 2018)

Apotheosis,” (approx. 1400 words) published Daily Science Fiction (October 5, 2018)

“The Lasting Hills,” (approx. 800 words) published in the Shards Anthology